HIPRA MALAYSIA organized different seminars on December 12,13 and 14 in different areas of the country (North, Central and South), gathering around 120 professionals from the poultry industry. The event, which was held in 3 sessions, focused on the different strategies to prevent and control outbreaks of Newcastle disease. Among these strategies, the control of immunosuppressive diseases such as Gumboro disease was highlighted.
HIPRA MALAYSIA brings together 120 participants to discuss the relationship between gumboro disease and outbreaks of Newcastle disease

During the sessions, topics such as biosecurity in farms, diagnosis and interpretation, and the relationship that a state of immunosuppression in animals caused by Gumboro disease and the subsequent outbreak of Newcastle disease can have were discussed.
The seminar also presented the different services and solutions that HIPRA can provide against these diseases by Dr. Kesavan Sivagiganesan (Technical Services HIPRA MALAYSIA) together with Dr. Bee Chi Lim (Technical & Marketing Manager HIPRA MALAYSIA).

In addition, the training was also attended by Dr. Shyong Wey Ong (Regional Technical and Marketing Manager), Dr. Marta Busquet Solé (Global Franchise Manager), Dr. Enrique Carceller Sebastiá (Global Product Manager) and Wee Chuen Tan (Business Manager of HIPRA MALAYSIA).

With this action, HIPRA positions itself as a reference for all those production companies dealing day by day with two of the pathologies that cause the most sanitary and economic issues in the poultry industry worldwide.