It's time to focus on what really matters in swine vaccination:
1. Comfort

The lightest intradermal needle-free device.
Automatic injection without a trigger, just press te head against the skin of the pig and Hipradermic® will do the rest.
Hands-free option available for an even easier piglet’s vaccination.
2. Convenience

User-friendly device for carrying out vaccinations easily and quickly:
Peace of mind: homogeneous application of 0.2 ml per shot into the dermis layer.
Automatic functions for easier vaccination.
Vial clip to fix different vial sizes.
Injector head lock button for safe vaccination.
LED indicators to recognize the process intuitively and quickly.
3. Automatic Traceability

- Improves decision-making and optimizes the vaccination processes.
- Vaccination data generated automatically are available in the HIPRAlink® Vaccination app.
- The only intradermal needle-free IoT device: data gathered during the vaccination session are automatically sent to HIPRAlink® Vaccination by 3G connectivity.
4. Animal Welfare
The intradermal injection with no needle is a less invasive technique:
Causes less stress and pain for the animals.
Avoids pieces of broken needles within the muscle.
Reduces the risk of muscle injuries and abscesses.
5. Internal Biosecurity

No needles are involved, so the risk of disease transmission between animals is reduced and internal biosecurity is improved.
This project has received financial support from the CDTI (Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology).