Over 80 veterinarians attended the 3rd HIPRA UNIVERSITY course focussing on fattening calves, which was held in the city of Zaragoza (Spain).
Immunology and vaccinology, the main topics of our HIPRA UNIVERSITY course on fattening calves
Whilst production costs and feed management were the subjects dealt with in the previous courses, this time it was the turn of immunology and vaccinology.

Dr. Christopher Chase, one of the most prestigious veterinary immunologists in the world, led some interesting and entertaining sessions which generated very interesting debates in which the participants were able to resolve their concerns and compare their impressions from the field.
For her part, Matilde Moro, manager of ASOPROVAC, gave an interesting presentation on the market in fattening calves and the outlook for the future, providing interesting data for the veterinarians.

On behalf of HIPRA, Livia Soares demonstrated to the participants the great potential offered by biostatistics when applied to fattening cattle with the use of the HIPRASTATS Programme.
Vincent Robles and Juan Pedro Campillo, Brand Manager and Product Manager respectively of the ruminants reproduction unit, gave a review of the current and future situations regarding IBR control programmes and the possibilities offered by HIPRA.

At the end of the session, the participants once again agreed on the importance of this type of training for the acquisition of new knowledge and its application in daily veterinary practice.
With this third short course on fattening calves, HIPRA strengthens its commitment to offer high added value products, services and solutions for the veterinary professional specialising in ruminants.