Last April, HIPRA MEXICO organised in Guadalajara an event titled “A step forward in prevention” which brought together more than 200 producers and veterinarians of the ruminant, swine and poultry industries.
HIPRA takes a new "Step forward in Prevention" in Mexico

A whole set of activities was prepared for both days. The first day the official presentation of the event took place in Museo Cabañas, where the topics discussed included today’s challenges for animal production, the future role of animal production in Mexico and Latin America, and the solutions HIPRA can provide in order to ensure continuous improvement in animal production and health.
On the following day, the technical sessions per species were held in Hotel Riu Guadalajara. During the ruminant session, a HIPRA UNIVERSITY meeting was held concerning the investment return of prevention in general and vaccination against mastitis in particular, followed by the presentation of UBAC®, a subunit vaccine against mastitis caused by Strep.uberis.

The swine session started with a brief introduction on the challenges that lie ahead for the global and Mexican swine industry.
The first field experiences against reproductive issues with the new ERYSENG® PARVO LEPTO in Mexico were presented a year after being launched.

There was a second section addressing the challenges posed by production without antibiotics or zinc oxide and including the presentation of VEPURED®, a purified vaccine against the edema disease, and VEROCHECK, a diagnosis technique based on oral fluids for detection and confirmation of the edema disease.

Also discussed in this session were the experiences and knowledge provided by the monitoring of vaccinations in Mexico using HIPRAGUMBORO®GM97, vaccine against Gumboro disease within the “HIPRAGUMBORO® program”, which provides added value to the prevention of this major disease.
The event ended with the presentation of the molecular diagnosis and sequencing of Gumboro and Newcastle diseases available to HIPRA customers through DIAGNOS MEXICO.

With this event, HIPRA consolidates and strengthens its commitment for continuous growth in Mexico and its position as the reference company in animal health prevention, thanks to its offering of a global strategy against the principal diseases that affect the swine, poultry and livestock industries in Mexico.
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