On the 9th and 10th of July, the fourth NDV HIPRA University dedicated to poultry farming and in particular theoretical and practical aspects of Newcastle Disease, was held at the Santika Hotel in Bogor (Indonesia) and at the Veterinary Medicine IPB University.
The 4th Theoretical & Practical HIPRA University course on Newcastle disease takes place in Indonesia

The courses brought together important specialists in poultry production from different countries (Spain, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia) headed by Jose Luis Losada Torres, Corporate Product Manager and Jorge Villa Viñas Regional Technical and Marketing Manager from HIPRA.
The training included also lecturers from IPB University (Institut Pertanian Bogor), Prof. Dr. Drh. I Wayan Teguh Wibawan, Virologist and Prof. Drh. Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto, Pathologist, Head of Pathology Division.

In both sessions, theoretical and practical aspects of the disease were treated, such as the Epidemiology, Pathology and vaccination strategies. The course was complemented with a necropsy section of infected birds at the IPB University.
The course has The CPD Certification Service (an independent accreditation entity) and is part of the HIPRA University continuing education programme that offers customized training solutions for veterinarians.

With this action, HIPRA is reinforcing its commitment to Prevention in both Animal Health and Newcastle disease.
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