The aim of this study was to check for prevalent pathogens all over South Korean dairy farms using PCR diagnostic tool (STARTCHECK®) which was provided by HIPRA and also to show that STARTCHECK® can be used to complement Somatic Cell Count (SCC) and bacteria! culture to monitor mastitis at a herd level1 by detecting the major mastitis causative agents (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Coagulase Negative Staphylococci (CNS) and coliform bacteria.
A diagnostic tool for the detection and quantification of pathogenic bacteria in bovine milk samples from dairy farms in South Korea
Kim, D.; Jae Woo Choi; Pochodyla, M.
WBC 2018 Sapporo
注射用乳劑中的 BoHV-1 活性標記疫苗(gE-tk-雙基因缺損)
BRSV、BVDV 第 1 和 2 型及 PI3V 多價病毒疫苗注射乳劑。
BRSV、IBR、BVDV 第 1 和 2 型及 PI3V 多價病毒疫苗注射乳劑。
牛呼吸道融合病毒(BRSV)活毒疫苗, 注射用懸液劑
牛多價乳房炎不活化疫苗, 注射用乳劑
牛傳染性鼻氣管炎gE-/TK-雙基因缺損活毒疫苗, 注射用冷凍乾燥凍晶
牛傳染性鼻氣管炎、副流行性感冒、病毒性下痢及呼吸道融合病毒多價疫苗, 注射用懸液劑
牛角膜結膜炎不活化疫苗, 注射用懸液劑
牛副流行性感冒、病毒性下痢及呼吸道融合病毒多價疫苗, 注射用懸液劑
An innovative service based on data analysis that facilitates decision-making in Cattle
HIPRA Stats 是動物生產公司的資料分析服務。
This online calculator will allow you to know your farm costs, find out the costs associated with clinical and subclinical mastitis and analyse the production losses associated with mastitis
HIPRA 大學為專業人士提供策略領域的高品質訓練計劃
HIPRA 特別開發了幾種線上工具,以支援獸醫和其他動物保健專業人員的日常工作。