HIPRA participated in the OVUM 2019 Congress held in Lima, Perú, from 9th to 11th October. HIPRA participated as a premium sponsor and had a stand which was converted into a platform for activities as part of the congress.
HIPRA participates in the OVUM 2019 congress in Lima
The week started with a HIPRA event called Connecting Poultry Prevention with Smart Vaccination.
The “Casa Prado”, located in the heart of Miraflores neighbourhood, was the setting chosen to welcome 115 professionals from different Latin-American countries.

Connecting Poultry prevention with Smart Vaccination is a concept whereby vaccines not only deliver prevention, but also provide information, with vaccination equipment not only administering vaccines but also tracing and sharing information, thereby adding value to the process.
HIPRA has added new vaccines to its Smart Vaccination range: EVANT® vaccine against avian coccidiosis in broilers which incorporates the innovative adjuvant HIPRAMUNE® T, and GUMBOHATCH®, the first immune complex from HIPRA for the prevention of Gumboro disease.

Both vaccines are referred to as “intelligent vaccines” because they incorporate RFID technology.
HIPRA also presented the development of its coarse spray application device, Hipraspray® and the adaptation of the system to broiler hatcheries.
2019 also saw the advent of two new products: Hipraject®, for subcutaneous injection in chicks, and Hipratracer in Ovo, a solution for traceability in hatcheries where “in ovo” vaccination is used.
The Smart Vaccination range has been expanded to include Hipralink® Vaccination 2.0, completely revamped software that incorporates new functionalities, both for the hatchery and for the recipient of vaccinated chicks, and that includes administration of the vaccines in the hatchery in a single vaccination certificate.

During the OVUM congress, the HIPRA stand was converted into a stage for demonstrating the concept of Smart Vaccination. The stand had a “showroom” equipped to carry out real vaccination sessions.
HIPRA also participated in the scientific programme with the presentation of various communications dealing not only with coccidiosis, but also with some of the relevant therapeutic areas such as Newcastle disease.
Once again, HIPRA strengthens its commitment to the poultry industry as the reference in prevention for animal health.