HIPRA has overcome structural and strategic changes to develop its own vaccine administration medical devices to ensure the maximum efficacy and correct administration of its vaccines. Not only that, HIPRA's innovation in vaccination also provides valuable information to support the decision-making process.
Hipraspray®: the development of an Eimeria vaccination device for poultry

Market situation and acceptance of new Eimeria vaccine administration devices for poultry.
In light of the desperate need for parameter optimisation in the livestock farming industry, HIPRA has emerged as leader in the traceability of vaccination processes.
In terms of prevention against diseases caused by Eimeria in chickens, Hipraspray® represents a turning point and a major leap forward in the use of vaccination devices. With this system, HIPRA offers a high performance vaccination device specifically designed to ensure maximum efficacy of its EVALON® and HIPRACOX® products. In short, HIPRA brings some added value to both the hatchery and the final producer.
The need for traceability from hatchery to the end producer.
In this regard, HIPRA deems transparency from hatchery to the end producer to be vital, offering more information concerning the vaccination process to all parties involved.
HIPRA as a company overcoming the challenge of developing Medical Devices.
For a number of years, HIPRA has been strategically tackling the development and production of these devices, which are fully compatible with the characteristics of its products under development.
Biological products are extremely complicated to administer, which is why a fully coordinated and parallel approach to both vaccine and device production is absolutely vital in order to guarantee the best return on investment for the end customer.
This was achieved by introducing structural changes throughout the company and establishing new departments charged with meeting the needs of customers with highly technical and multidisciplinary requirements.
With a view to generating as much information as possible about the vaccination process and the products used, HIPRA opted to insert RFID chips in the vial labels. This has revolutionised the production process, and the production lines in particular. This has been achieved thanks to the company's flexibility, ability to rapidly adapt and the optimism with which it approaches new and exciting challenges.
HIPRA: Innovative company at the forefront of customer-based technological solutions.
Combining the worlds of biology, veterinary medicine, engineering and information technology is no easy task. In doing so, HIPRA has enhanced its corporate strategy to overcome both current and future challenges. HIPRA is the first company to have digitised the animal health vaccination process, through Smart Vaccination.
HIPRA's future looks bright and full of new challenges in such novel areas as traceability of livestock production processes, the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and decision-making, as well as artificial and predictive intelligence in diagnostics, while continuing to offer innovative and exclusive services to customers.