
HIPRA organizes a HIPRA UNIVERSITY course on management and prevention in feedlots


On 6 and 7 November, HIPRA organized a HIPRA UNIVERSITY course in Segovia (Spain) for a group of 5 Portuguese feedlot and beef veterinarians. The course included a visit to 2 reference farms located in Etreros (Segovia) and a technical session

During the visits, the participants were accompanied by the owners of the farms and had the opportunity to meet and exchange points of views about the industry, the production system and the vaccination protocols used on the farm when the animals arrive.

On the second day, Juan Pineda (specialist in feedlots consultancy), Deolinda Silva (HIPRA PORTUGAL TMM) and Juan Pedro Campillo (HIPRA product manager) delivered a technical session dedicated to the theme of Management of critical factors in feedlots and implementation of vaccination protocols.

Control of critical management factors, the importance and diagnosis of BRD as well as the implementation of vaccination protocols were the topics addressed by Juan Pineda.

It has become very clear that respiratory disease is the main disease on intensive fattening farms and that vaccination against the major viruses and bacteria is essential for the optimisation of animal health and growth in order to obtain a premium final product.

Deolinda Silva and Juan Pedro Campillo presented HIPRA solutions (vaccines and diagnostics) and showed how to implement and adapt the vaccination programmes according to the farm management, status and epidemiological objectives of Portugal and Spain.

At the end of the 2 days, the veterinarians concluded that the vaccination plan for feedlot calves has to include the main agents causing BRD. It must also be an effective and easy vaccination programme, as well as covering a broad spectrum (IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV, M. haemolytica and H. somni).

During these 2 days the guests had the opportunity to visit Segovia and taste the gastronomic specialties of the region.