HIPRA participates in the VIIIth conference of the Portuguese Council on Udder Health as Gold Sponsor

For the second year in succession, the conference programme included a session dedicated to Iberian milk quality entitled “Encontros Ibéricos de Qualidade de Leite”. A total of over 80 consultants, experts and professionals concerned with milk quality in Spain and Portugal attended the event.
On the first day of the conference, the second session of “Encontros Ibéricos de Qualidade de Leite” was moderated by Deolinda Silva (CPSU) and Xabier Bermúdez (ANEMBE).
During this session, renowned milk quality experts from Portugal and Spain exchanged experiences on how to motivate producers to implement prevention programmes and demonstrate the economic return on vaccination and other preventive measures.
The following day, HIPRA took part in the annual conference with the sponsorship of two presentations by Oriol Franquesa (Qllet) which focussed on environmental mastitis.
Franquesa emphasized the growing importance of this type of pathogen and the need for new tools to control them.
Daniel Zalduendo, Brand Manager of the mastitis unit at HIPRA, also presented the initial practical experiences in Europe with UBAC®, the first vaccine specifically against Strep. uberis.
These experiences support the data from clinical studies which showed a reduction in the incidence and cost of clinical mastitis caused by Strep. uberis and the use of antibiotics.
In this way, HIPRA strengthens its commitment to milk quality in Spain and Portugal, not only by making new technical knowledge accessible to professionals, but also by offering innovations and key instruments for their daily activities.