HIPRA was present between August 9 and 11, 2022 at the International Symposium of Poultry and Swine Industry, the SIAVS, which is the largest event of the sectors in Brazil realized by the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein, ABPA.
HIPRA participates in the SIAVS 2022 and obtain recognition as a "Sustainable Stand"

This year the event had 21.000 visitors from 53 countries, a record number for the event (ABPA,2022). HIPRA participated in the congress as exhibitor to present our range of products and, specifically, the combination of GUMBOHATCH®, our immune-complex vaccine against gumboro disease, and our newest vaccine EVANOVO®, the first and only live attenuated vaccine against coccidiosis to be administered in-ovo.
On this edition, SIAVS 2022 had as its theme "Sustainable Production: Paths to Global Food Security", and it encouraged all 200 exhibitors to promote this theme in their stands. At the end of the event, ABPA gave recognition to HIPRA's booth as a "Sustainable Stand".

One of the main sustainable initiatives of HIPRA was the water filter which allowed visitors to the stand to drink fresh, iced or soda-water. To promote this refreshment in a sustainable way, we also offered rice fiber cups, making them reusable. When serves the juices, we also opted for not using pet bottles or cans, serving them in glass jars. With these initiatives HIPRA saved 14 kg of plastic residues.

With this initiative, HIPRA strengthens its commitment with the sustainability and reaffirms itself as a reference in prevention for a healthier world.