On 12th June last, HIPRA gave a seminar on abortions as part of the XXIst National Ovine Forum, which was held in Valladolid (Spain).
Abortions caused by Chlamydia and Salmonella, the main topic of the HIPRA seminar at the most recent Ovine Forum

Participating in the session were María Rosa Caro, lecturer in Animal Health in the Veterinary Faculty of the UMU (University of Murcia) and Miguel Ángel Sanz (HIPRA). Both of them focussed their talks on the importance and development of systems and methods of prevention of abortions in sheep, as well as presenting new tools for the control of these abortions.
During her talk, María Rosa Caro explained how vaccines against OEA (Ovine Enzootic Abortions) have evolved and why the future of prevention of this type of abortion lies in an inactivated vaccine that reduces shedding in infected animals.
Miguel Ángel Sanz, Small Ruminants Specialist at HIPRA, then presented the new tool in the diagnosis of Chlamydia abortus: ABORTCHECK. This method allows the presence of Chlamydia to be detected by sending in samples on an FTA card which then undergoes diagnostic analysis by PCR.
At the end of the seminar, HIPRA took advantage of this specialist ovine forum to present the vaccine INMEVA, against abortions caused by Chlamydia and Salmonella that has just been launched.
INMEVA is also the first inactivated vaccine in the world which not only reduces symptoms, but has also been shown to reduce shedding, thanks inter alia to its innovative process of inactivation.
With this launch, HIPRA becomes the company which has registered and launched the two latest vaccines specifically for the ovine sector in our country: VIMCO® -vaccine against caprine and ovine mastitis - and the so called INMEVA -vaccine against Chlamydia and Salmonella-.
This demonstrates the company’s commitment to prevention for the health of small ruminants and especially to the ovine sector in Spain.