HIPRA launched ICTHIOVAC® VNN, an injectable vaccine against Nodavirus for sea bass, on 29th May, in the Castello San Marco, Catania (Sicily). The event was attended by Mediterranean producers from more than 8 countries, and by several veterinarians associated with Mediterranean aquaculture.
HIPRA launches ICTHIOVAC® VNN in the mediterranean region

Viral nervous necrosis currently represents the greatest challenge faced by Mediterranean fish farming. The high prevalence of this disease means that intraperitoneal injection is an essential tool for prevention in order to ensure the viability of production.
This monovalent vaccine stands out because of its innovative adjuvant, Aquamun, a non-mineral oil that guarantees lasting protection and enhances the specific immune response, whilst at the same time minimizing any possible adverse reactions.

Javier Sanz (Marketing Director at HIPRA) opened the event and gave a brief introduction on the great impact that Nodavirus has on fish farming. The event was attended by several professionals from the industry.
Albert Girons (Ictiovet, the reference consultancy company for disease in aquaculture), gave a detailed review of the impact of the Nodavirus on sea bream and sea bass farming in the Mediterranean, with special reference to the need for good diagnosis as well as prevention by means of vaccination and biosecurity.
Dr. Michele Moscato, veterinarian and private consultant, showed the impact of the disease in both Italy and Albania, discussing the different characteristics of the disease and the importance of prevention, as well as the possible development of the virus.
Following these two presentations, Agnès Callol (Researcher and Project Manager in the R+D Biologicals Department at HIPRA), presented the trials carried out during the development of ICTHIOVAC® VNN from the perspectives of safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

Laura Valls (Diagnos Spain Coordinator at HIPRA), brought to the Mediterranean aquaculture a practical, global and reliable technique by introducing the combination of FTA cards and real time PCR as a new method for Nodavirus diagnosis.
Erik Díaz (Regional Technical & Marketing Manager at HIPRA) presented the main characteristics of the product and the importance of vaccination against Nodavirus in aquaculture.
To conclude the session, Carlos Montañés (Managing Director of HIPRA) introduced the company and described its development over recent years, emphasizing its commitment to being the reference in prevention by offering innovative and distinctive solutions, not only in Mediterranean aquaculture, but also in the principal aquaculture markets.
With this new launch, HIPRA reaffirms its commitment to prevention in Animal Health and Aquaculture in particular.