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1st Asia region HIPRA University course on Avian Coccidiosis


HIPRA is pleased to announce the successful completion of the first Asia Region HIPRA University course on avian coccidiosis. Held from June 18-19, 2024, at Gyeongsang National University (GNU) in JinJu-si, South Korea, the course brought together leading poultry production specialists from across Asia (South Korea, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, and Philippines).

hu avian coccidiosis

Led by Professor Wongi Min of GNU's Department of Avian Immunology and Dr. Woo Hyun Kim, Assistant Professor and Vice Director of the Institute of Animal Health at GNU, the course provided a comprehensive overview of avian coccidiosis. Participants gained valuable insights into the disease's pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnostic techniques, including oocysts per gram (OPG) counts and lesion scoring, disease control and preventive measures. 

A central focus of the course was coccidiosis vaccination. Experts from HIPRA discussed the current global landscape, available vaccination techniques, and the critical post-vaccination management strategies for optimal success. HIPRA's technical services team also presented real-world case studies showcasing positive field experiences with coccidiosis vaccination in both short- and long-lived birds across Asia.

hu avian coccidiosis asia

The course was rounded off with three key practical sessions:

  • Lesion Scoring: Participants learned to identify post-mortem lesions caused by different Eimeria species, their location in the digestive tract, and the severity of damage. 
  • OPG Count Technique: This session covered the proper method for counting oocysts with the McMaster chamber in faeces from Eimeria-infected birds. 
  • Site of Injection (SOI) Determination: This practical exercise helped participants accurately locate the correct injection site for in-ovo vaccination. 

This CPD-certified course is part of HIPRA University's continuing education programme, offering veterinarians specialized training solutions. 

By hosting this event, HIPRA reaffirms its commitment to preventative measures in animal health, with a particular focus on coccidiosis control.

hu asia poultry