Pengetahuan Beranda Kesehatan Hewan Pengetahuan All Publikasi Tulisan Kartu penyakit Saring SpeciesPneumovirus pada Unggas (Avian pneumovirus (aMPV, SHS, TRT))MyxomatosisHepatitis anjing yang menularLeptospirosis sapi (Bovine Leptospirosis)Leptospirosis pada porcine (Porcine leptospirosis)Nekrosis saraf virusMannheimiosis in sheep and goats (Mannheimia haemolytica)Penyakit pun kelinci (RHD)Atrophic rhinitis (AR)FootrotVirus pernapasan syncytial sapi (BRSV)VibriosisTracheobronchitis anjingLaringotrakheitis menular (ILT) Parvovirus anjingSalmonelosisKeratokonjunktivitis sapi yang menular (Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK))Pleuropneumonia babiClostridiumTenasibakulosisAgalactia menularParainfluenza tipe 3 (PI3)CoccidiosisLeptospirosis anjingStreptokokosisMycoplasma hyopneumoniae Leishmaniasis anjing (Canine leishmaniasis)Aborsi enzootik (Chlamydia abortus)Sindrom drop telur (EDS)Virus diare sapi (BVD)Clostridioides difficilePasteurellosisCacar unggasPasteurellosis pada ruminan kecilVirus distemper anjingCattle ClostridiumClostridium novyiLaktokokosisPenyakit AujeszkyBronkitis menular (IB)Laryngotracheitis anjingMastitis pada ruminan kecilHistophilosis (Histophilus somni)Aborsi paratyphic (Salmonella abortusovis)Rhinotracheitis sapi menular (IBR)Penyakit Bursal menular (IBD, Gumboro)Swine ClostridiumNeospora caninumCoryza menularClassical swine feverMannheimiosis (Mannheimia haemolytica)Penyakit Newcastle (NDV, APMV-1)Radang paru-paru enzooticMastitis pada sapi perahDiare bayi babi ParamixovirosisPenyakit GlässerPerusahaanPenyakit Edema (Edema Disease - ED)Porcine Circovirus Disease - PCVD (PCV2)Parvovirus babiReproduksi babi dan sindrom pernapasan (PRRS)Erisipelas babiFlu babiManusiaBabiUnggasTernakDomba dan kambingKelinciIkanAnjing Apply Tulisan J. Ellis peer review: NASYM protects young calves from BRSV in the presence of maternal antibodies Tulisan Contribution of DNA-based diagnostic methods to the treatment of coccidiosis in poultry. What’s New? Tulisan New strategies for the control of coccidiosis in poultry: rotation programmes with vaccines against Eimeria Publikasi Histophilus somni infection: an outbreak in cattle in Central Italy Tulisan HIPRA presented three posters demonstrating its ruminant vaccines’ efficacy under field conditions Tulisan Discover NEXHYON: an innovative recombinant M.hyo strain Tulisan Pathogenesis of C. difficile Publikasi Effect of vaccination on protection against RHDV-2 and viral load Publikasi RHINISENG®: Efficacy of the basic vaccination scheme (vaccination and revaccination) and the booster vaccination Muat lebih banyak