On September 19, HIPRA presented NASYM, the new vaccine against bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), the most damaging respiratory virus in cattle, in Zaragoza.
Spanish veterinarians now know NASYM, the only intranasal and intramuscular vaccine against BRSV

NASYM, whose registration entered into force on July 29, was presented to a large group of Spanish veterinarians at the Palacio de Villahermosa, located in Pedrola (Zaragoza).
The session began with a didactic explanation of BRSV and its complexity within BRS (Bovine Respiratory Syndrome) by Jaime Maldonado, Head of our Diagnostic Center (HIPRA DIAGNOS) and the Marketing Support Scientific Unit.

Mª Carmen Moreno, responsible for the development of NASYM, summarized the more than 10 years of research that have been necessary to produce the vaccine, as well as the field tests that have shown a reduction in respiratory clinical symptoms by 89 %.
The presentation of NASYM and its innovative characteristics -which make it a significantly different vaccine from the rest of the alternatives available on the market- was given by Pere Ordis, Head of Technical Services and Marketing at HIPRA Spain.

During his speech, Ordis highlighted some of the most important points of NASYM:
- BRSV is the most prevalent virus in the Bovine Respiratory Complex.
- NASYM can be used interchangeably intranasally and intramuscularly.
- Allows early vaccination.
- Visibly reduces clinical respiratory symptoms and viral excretion, also offering long-lasting immunity.

With this new vaccine, the 22nd in the last 10 years, HIPRA continues to consolidate itself as a benchmark in prevention for cattle, offering high-value tools for veterinary professionals.