On 28th February, HIPRA participated as a gold sponsor in the first World Veterinary Poultry Association Conference in India.
HIPRA participates in the first WVPA Conference in India

Two speakers from HIPRA took part: Jose Luis Losada Torres, Corporate Product Manager, presented "Newcastle Disease: Current Situation and Strategies for Vaccination", and Shong Wey Ong, Regional Marketing and Technical Specialist, presented "Enhancement of immunity against coccidiosis by the use of an adjuvanted solvent".
Also present at the WVPA in India were Shyam Vane, Business Unit Manager India, Dr. Pradip Doiphode, Technical Services Manager, Dr. Kakoli Ahmed, Technical Services and Dr.Palani Kumar, Key Account Manager.

At the end of the event, HIPRA India received the "Fastest Growing and Emerging Vaccine company" award.
With this initiative, HIPRA emphasizes its commitment to prevention in both Animal Health and Newcastle disease.