Live vaccine against Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis strain CHP50, in oculonasal freeze-dried tablet.
Inactivated vaccine against egg drop syndrome, Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis and infectious coryza, in injectable emulsion
Live vaccine against Newcastle disease La Sota strain, and infectious bronchitis H120 strain, in oral freeze-dried tablet
Concentrated inactivated vaccine against Newcastle disease, in injectable emulsion
Live vaccine against Newcastle disease CL/79 clon, and infectious bronchitis H120 strain, in oral freeze-dried tablet
Vitamins and amino acids, in oral solution
Enrofloxacin, in oral solution, animal medicine, animal medicines, medicine for rabbits, rabbit medicine, medicine for poultry
Active immunisation of pigeons to prevent paramyxovirus infections.
HIPRA has specially developed several online tools to support veterinarians and other Animal Health professionals in their daily work.