Last June, HIPRA Korea celebrated the first Layer's Seminar focused on the prevention of avian coccidiosis in laying hens. The event took place in the city of Daejeon, also known as the city of Korean science, and was attended by over 40 participants, including veterinarians, egg producers, university professors, and renowned consultants.
HIPRA Korea celebrates the first Layer's Seminar focused on the prevention of avian coccidiosis in layers

The seminar aimed to raise awareness among the Korean laying poultry industry about the utmost importance of vaccinating against coccidiosis, and doing so with the correct vaccine, always adapting to the specific circumstances of each farm.
To achieve this, the Layer's Seminar featured external speakers such as the prestigious Professor Hoe from Daejeon University, as well as internal speakers including Myonseb Kim (Regional Technical Manager), Taesik Kim (Technical Services Manager), Joan Tarradas (Business Unit Director), and Santiago de Castro (Global Product Manager).

With this action, HIPRA once again reinforces its commitment to the prevention of avian diseases and reaffirms itself as an expert company in the prevention of avian coccidiosis.