On Thursday 20th October HIPRA launched EVANOVO®, the first vaccine attenuated for precociousness against coccidiosis specially developed for in-ovo administration to broilers. The event took place in the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts, where over 100 professionals from the poultry industry throughout Europe gathered together.
HIPRA launches EVANOVO® in Europe – the first and only live attenuated vaccine against coccidiosis for in-ovo administration

Vaccination against coccidiosis is already an essential part of the strategy for the control of coccidiosis in Europe. Nevertheless, it is hoped that its use will continue to increase in the coming years as a result of consumer demands for restriction of the use of coccidiostats.
EVANOVO®, the only vaccine against coccidiosis in Europe for in-ovo administration, represents a clear development in the prevention of this disease. Its many advantages include in particular the fact that administration to each individual chicken is ensured and that lasting protection is provided for a minimum of 63 days post-vaccination. EVANOVO® can also be given in the same injection with other vaccines such as GUMBOHATCH®, HIPRA’s immune-complex vaccine against Gumboro, thereby optimizing and minimizing hatchery vaccination processes.

HIPRA complemented the launch of the vaccine in Europe with various support services from administration to the outcomes on the farm. An example is the Global Hatchery Health Programme (GHHP) which focusses on helping the customer to maximize the health potential of the chick from the hatchery onwards by means of optimization of the vaccination processes.
With this initiative, HIPRA once again positions itself as an expert in avian coccidiosis and consolidates its position as the reference in prevention for poultry health.