What initially was intended to be a presencial event to present NASYM®, our intranasal and intramuscular vaccine against BRSV in Canada, became an interactive online session organised jointly by HIPRA HQ and the Canadian subsidiary.
NASYM®, the first intranasal and intramuscular vaccine against BRSV arrives in Canada

The launch was a great success, with over 200 Canadian vets registered to attend. Dan Shock, HIPRA Canada's ruminants Business Unit Manager, conducted a one hour programme that consisted of different parts. Conrad Sala, Zone Director Americas, gave a corporate introduction highlighting our core values.
He was followed by Juli Badia, Ruminants Business Unit Director and HIPRA Canada's former Business Manager, who gave a review of the ruminants business in the north American subsidiary and the products that have been launched there in the last few years.
Just after that, Taika Von Köningslöw, HIPRA Canada's Technical Services Manager, covered the importance of BRSV in modern cattle production and gave some tips on correct diagnosis in respiratory diseases cases.
Last but not least, Dan Shock presented the main features and benefits of NASYM®, the tool that helps vets to combat one of the most prevalent viruses in the bovine sector.
The attendees found the session extremely interesting and the proof of that was the huge number of questions that were asked during the Q&A.